Allee Demonstration Farm
Newell, Buena Vista County
1.5 miles west on the gravel road that intersects Highway 7 at the curve southeast of Newell
Allee Memorial Demonstration Farm
2030 640th Street
Newell, IA 50568
(712) 272-3512
160 acres
Iowa State University
The farm was started in 1958 when George M. Allee bequeathed 160 acres to ISU.
The terrain is nearly level to gently sloping and contains numerous depressions and low knobs. Predominant soils are:
2-5 percent slope, occurs on upland slopes, very well drained
1-3 percent slope, occurs between uplands and low areas, poorly drained
0-2 percent slope, poorly drained
Research and Demonstration
The farm is used for whole-farm agricultural demonstrations focused on modest-sized, sustainable, family-based farming. The farm is used to develop profitable farming systems for these farm units. All the farm’s enterprises incorporate whole-farm systems rather than studying individual components.
Innovative techniques are used for growing crops and livestock. These techniques will be used to develop systems that complement the crop, livestock and management of modest-sized farms. The farm is the site of a biomass research trial involving the perennial grass miscanthus. The farm staff also is active with research.
The farm has outdoor and confinement cattle-feeding lots with a capacity of 250 head. The farm feeds cattle that are part of the university’s large beef cattle breeding project. The cattle also are part of a cover crop grazing project.