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Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm

Map of Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm located in Washington County, IowaLocation

Washington County


Go 1.75 miles south and 2 miles east of Crawfordsville on the Washington/Louisa county-line road.

Southeast Research Farm 
3115 Louisa-Washington Road 
Crawfordsville, IA 52621



273 acres


Southeast Iowa Agricultural Research Association


The association purchased the main farm in 1987. An adjacent tract was acquired in 2002.


Southeast Farm FieldsLand is flat to slightly sloping. Predominant soils:

0-2 percent slope, poorly drained, occurs on broad upland flats

1-3 percent slope, somewhat poorly drained, occurs on ridges and uplands

2 - 18 percent slope, very deep, moderately well-drained, occurs on side slopes

Research and Demonstration

A Tractor Clearing the Southeast FieldsCrops. Researchers study corn, soybeans and small grains. Other studies focus on tillage methods, pest management, fertilizer and manure management and alternative cropping systems.

Soils. Researchers study soil fertility and management systems. Agronomists study nutrient requirements of area crops and apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime to observe crop yield response. Researchers also evaluate the effectiveness of tile drainage systems.

Other studies. The Iowa Nut Growers Association has established a demonstration site on the farm and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service is evaluating native grasses at the site.



Farm Reports

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