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Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm

LocationMap of Armstrong Memorial Research and Demonstration Farm located in Lewis, Pottawattamie County.

Lewis, Pottawattamie County


11 miles southwest of Atlantic on Highway 6, .5 mile south on M53 and .75 mile east on gravel.

Armstrong Research and Demonstration Farm 
53020 Hitchcock Avenue 
Lewis, IA 51544

(712) 769-2402


400 acres


Wallace Foundation for Rural Research and Development


Visitors of Armstrong FarmThe Wallace Foundation was formed in 1990 to enhance agricultural research and education for southwest Iowa. The Armstrong Research and Demonstration Farm was established by a donation of 40 acres and the sale of 360 acres to the foundation by Gail and Glendale Armstrong in 1993. The Neely-Kinyon Research and Demonstration Farm is managed as a satellite of this farm. The Wallace Learning Center building was completed in 1997 and houses staff for ISU Extension and Outreach and the farm.



Gently to strongly sloping well-drained loess soils characterize the Armstrong farm area. Predominant soils are:

2-14 percent slope, very well drained, occurs on upland ridges and side slopes, loess soil

Research and Demonstration

A tractor seeding a field.Crops. Row crop and forage management studies focus on corn and soybean row spacing, strip-cropping, insecticide and herbicide trials, planting dates and populations and weed management.

Soil. Agronomists study potassium and phosphorus application rates and placement and their effect on soil fertility and crop yields. They also study timing and rates of nitrogen, lime and manure on row crops. The topography of the area makes soil erosion and tillage work important.

Livestock. Researchers study sustainable livestock production methods. Animal scientists conduct beef nutrition, health and management studies. Beef cattle are fed in a deep-bedded hoop barn.

Horticultural crops. The farm has an extensive vegetable, fruit and flower garden.


Armstrong Cattle underneath an outdoor CanopyA cattle-feeding research unit was completed in 1995. The Wallace Learning Center features a meeting place for up to 150 people and rural small-business incubator. In 2004, a hoop barn for feeding beef cattle was constructed.


Farm Reports

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